Our Services

Navigating the post-hospital healthcare landscape can be confusing, as often times you or your loved one don’t fit neatly into a single category of transitional or permanent care: SubacuteLong TermMemory, or Home. Nursing Homes have given way to Skilled Nursing Facilities such as Fishkill Center, capable of treating a multitude of varying care pathways. Please read below for more information on each of the services we offer, keeping in mind that we are available to answer, via phone, email, or in person, any questions you might have.

Subacute Care

Also known as post-acute or short-term care. This level of care is for those who might have sustained a serious injury, are battling a serious illness, are experiencing exacerbation of a preexisting condition or multiple conditions, or for those who may have undergone surgery – both elective and non-elective. Whereas in the old days residents might have stayed longer in an acute (hospital) setting while they healed, much of that healing now occurs in a subacute setting under the guidance of an Interdisciplinary Team (IDT) of clinical professionals.

Your IDT team is comprised of physicians, specialists, nurses, physical and occupational therapists, speech language pathologists, dietitians, recreation specialists, and social workers who will build a customized plan of care to meet your specific needs and goals, from strengthening to specialized wound care and beyond. Typically, subacute care is designed to transition residents back to the community or to a less intensive level of care, such as an Assisted Living or Home Care setting.

Our custom therapy suite helps residents practice their activities of daily living for an easier transition home.
Occupational and Physical Therapists help residents navigate the basics around the kitchen and dining room.

Long Term Care

Also known as custodial care. This level of care is suited for individuals with medical, physical, or mental conditions who are unable to perform certain day-to-day tasks on their own, also called Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), such as eating, dressing, bathing, moving around independently, etc. Residents may admit to our Long Term Care program directly from the community, or residents may transition to Long Term Care upon completion of a Subacute Care stay.

As with a Subacute Care stay, Long Term residents are cared for by an interdisciplinary team of clinical and non-clinical staff, tailoring a plan of care to meet every physical and emotional need. We understand and appreciate how difficult the transition to a Nursing Facility is on residents and families, and we strive to be there with you every step of the way, attending to every environmental, recreational, and dietary preference to ensure not only the highest standard of care – but the highest quality of life.

Our main lounge hosts social gatherings, bingo games, and live musical performances.
Our in-house hair salon is a great place to spend the morning.

Memory Care

Fishkill Center’s Memory Care unit is designed to enhance quality of life, while providing the highest standard of care, for those residents suffering from progressing dementia. There is nothing like it in the Hudson Valley. Our Memory Care staff undertake a 2-day intensive seminar that teaches them how to interact with residents with advancing Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and the other dementias. They are taught how to redirect, how to engage, and ultimately, how to create the greatest moments of joy for our residents who live moment to moment.

Our Memory Care unit is always under creative renovation, as each room, each area, must be tailor-made to meet the needs, the memories and the likes, of each resident. We believe in the motto that if you’ve met one resident with dementia, you’ve met ONE resident with dementia. We bring in musical therapists and artists to help ignite the happy past. We’ve built a bus stop and a park for those residents looking for that reassurance of the familiar. We obtain detailed histories of our Memory Care residents, as each nugget of knowledge helps us better craft a soothing and fulfilling present. We invite you to come by for a tour.

Nothing draws forth fond memories like our on-unit breakfasts.
Calm and tranquil; a place where residents with dementia can gather and socialize.
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